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Sunday Morning Bible Study                        

Sunday Worship                                                                      Sunday Night Seminary

Jr. Theologians




Mid-week WORSHIP 

Student Worship Service                                         












​​Wednesday, March 5th 

Here is the sign up for the Fellowship meal.  Thank you for making these meals possible. 





Fellowship Meal & Worship 5:30pm    

AWANA 6:00pm

Youth Activities 6:00pm

Choir Practice 7:15pm


Blessing Bags for Nederland Heritage Festival Carnival Workers

You are invited to help make sandwiches and fill blessing bags for the carnival works on Saturday, March 8th at 10:00am.  We will head to the festival at 11:00  to meet the workers and share the blessing bags.  You can sign-up to help in the Sanctuary foyer or on our website’s events page. 


Sunday, March 9th

Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:15am

Worship 10:30am

Sunday Night Seminary 5:45pm

Jr. Theologians 5:45pm


Wednesday, March 12th

No Evening Activities


Peru Missions Opportunities: Deadline is May 1, 2025

July 3-13 Teaching (men and ladies)

July 17-27 Construction (men) and VBS (ladies)

Please contact Gene Marsh or Eric Roberts for details and cost.


The 2024 Contribution statements are available to be picked up in the Sanctuary. 

Blessing Bags

You are invited to join us as we gather to make sandwiches and blessing bags for the Nederland Heritage Festival carnival workers on Saturday, March 8th at 10:00am.  Delivery begins at 11:00am.   

We are thrilled that our Family Ministry is growing!  Check out the link below for more information about Opportunities to SERVE.  

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