A Discipleship Economy
Our model for ministry at Hillcrest is simple and essential for every follower of Jesus and the life of the Church.
1) Learning the Word
Learning the Word is a main objective of the Church, as we sit under faithful, biblical preaching and teaching. We also engage in personal Bible Study to further learn what it means to faithfully follow Jesus.
2) Growing Together
Growing as a follower of Jesus is something we do together in our Sunday School classes and our Small Groups, and One-on-One Discipleship Relationships. Our personal Bible Study time also serves to help us grow in obedience to the commands of Christ. These actions better equip us to share the Gospel.
3) Sharing the Gospel
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus is the mission of the Church. Together, we work to tell our community about Jesus as we work with our Missions Team and Ministries.
As we win people to faith in Christ through faithful Gospel witness, we help them become part of the Church and begin "Learning the Word" and then "Growing Together" so that they are ultimately "Sharing the Gospel."