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Biblical Preaching

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We believe unwaveringly in the inerrancy of Scripture and we honor God's Word by preaching expository sermons.

Christ-Centered Worship

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We believe in glad submission to Jesus who is both Lord and Savior and we worship Him in joyful praise.

Authentic Prayer


We believe in casting all of our cares on Christ and so we humble ourselves and join together in prayer.

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At Hillcrest there are two times a week the Church body gathers together as a whole to pray, sing, and respond to the Word of God as it is preached. We have a morning Worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:30 and evening Worship on Wednesdays at 6:00 in the Sanctuary where the style of our music is both modern and majestic. Above all, we take great care to ensure the songs we sing are biblically sound.  All of our Worship Services are Christ-centered and designed to lead you closer to Jesus.

Have questions? Let us know.

Thanks for submitting!

Ministry Lead


Seth Franke

Pastor of Worship

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